Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All Smut, All the Time!

If you've found this blog, I'm hoping you are similar to me in a few ways. Let's take a test and find out, shall we? :)

1) Do you like reading naughty stories?
2) Do you like sex?
3) Have you ever read a sexy story in public on an e-reader and felt the thrill of being oh, so bad?

If you answered "yes!" to any of these questions, then you're in the right place.

I'm a professional smut slinger (also known as an erotica author), and love nothing more than writing the hottest stories for your e-reader, be they funny, scary, romantic, or (most likely) straight up raunchy.

On this blog I hope to chat about sex, e-books, hot reads, and also keep you up to date on my latest releases. Enjoy! I'm glad you came ;).


  1. Ooh! I get to be the first commenter!

    Now if I only had something to say...

  2. YAY! You do win a prize, though... uhhh... my undying love?

    Thanks for being my first ;).

  3. Hooray for getting your blog up and running Delilah! :)

  4. OMG! I found your blog! It's because I was looking for people writing about the recent Paypal thing.


Tell us what's going on in that dirty brain of yours!